Friday, May 14, 2010

nak sangat nak sesangat.

My final exam paper is on this coming Monday and guess what? I am so not in the mood of taking my final. Serious no mood at all! I am more prefer to go straight to my internship period. And the best part is my starting internship period at Pwc is been extended to 14th June instead of 1st June waaaaaa seronok gumbiraaaaaaaaaaa!

Now I have time to prepare for my internship and masa untuk enjoyyyyy. enjoy la sangat kan.
Well since I am no mood for study guess I left my empty mood room for what? Vacation mode.

All of sudden Im thinking of goin somewhere which far away from this already boring KL place ( my sister suggested of new shopping mall to the Datuk Bandar she said haha). Alaaa bukannyer best pown lepak lepak kat shopping mall tu. Baik lepak je ngan favourite person around you at mamak sudeyhhhhh. Yet, hangout and had a good conversation with ur fav people is already good enuff rather than usha-ing poyo people who try to fit in the huhahuha life. (this is dedicated to budak budak skolah yg pegi shopping mall pastu lepak xde halatuju kt tepi2 tu hehehehe soory)

ella nak pegi pantai. I think it's been ages I didnt go to beach. The last beach I went to is Bali.
In fact, it was one of the nice places I've been to. Ella suka laaa watersports and playing with the blue clear ocean, I just love the idea of it. Macam sangat refreshing, fun, adventereous and something that you can let it go all ur stress. Bali mmg terbaikkkk la.

But I want to explore beaches kt Malaysia nie. Pulau Redang, Pulau Perhentian, Pulau Tioman. (Pulau Pangkor xnak haha). I want to do snorkelling, scuba, parasailing, banana boat, bungee jumping, flying fish( the watersports we did in Bali.)
lantak ella tanned pown tanned la.

alaaa bler la lagi nak pegi pantai? =(
nak sangattttttt.

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