Sunday, August 23, 2009

homesick already, =(

haha wacky org gilak!

eleh emma bajet cun.
*xyah la, falai xde. =p *

I skype with this "crazy bajet cun dalam skype" woman everynight! riuh rendah satu bilik, oh yeah the connection here is not really good so when it was lag, apa lagi screenshot muka buruk.
but but emma budget cun susah nak snap. huhu.
i miss my sisterrr! n so the rest of da family. xpe xpe 5 days to go, counting.


eli.Suhaili said...

don't count the days baybeh!
nanti mood study lari jauh jauh!

rindu family eli ='((

fieza. said...

ak tak paham kenape KENE lepas rambot? ko lesbian ngan ak ke hah time skype? HAHHAHAHA.

ella elma said...

eli x bolee, sampai dalam lecture pun penuh je buku notes counting days haha!

fieza apa masalah ko issue aku lepas rambut? oh abis tu lepas rambut je ngorat? lg pun ko kan lakiii.